How To Drastically Reduce Your Input Delay In F...
How To Drastically Reduce Your Input Delay In F... -
To help predict FID in the lab, we recommend Total Blocking Time (TBT). They measure different things, but improvements in TBT usually correspond to improvements in FID.The main cause of a poor FID is heavy JavaScript execution. Optimizing how JavaScript parses, compiles, and executes on your web page will directly reduce FID.Heavy JavaScript execution #The browser cannot respond to most user input while it's executing JavaScript on the main thread. In other words, the browser can't respond to user interactions while the main thread is busy. To improve this:Break up Long TasksOptimize your page for interaction readinessUse a web workerReduce JavaScript execution timeBreak up Long Tasks #If you've already attempted to reduce the amount of JavaScript that loads on a single page, it can be useful to break down long-running code into smaller, asynchronous tasks.Long Tasks are JavaScript execution periods where users may find your UI unresponsive. Any piece of code that blocks the main thread for 50 ms or more can be characterized as a Long Task. Long Tasks are a sign of potential JavaScript bloat (loading and executing more than a user may need right now). Splitting up long tasks can reduce input delay on your site.Chrome DevTools visualizes Long Tasks in the Performance PanelFID should improve noticeably as you adopt best practices like code-splitting and breaking up your Long Tasks. While TBT is not a field metric, it's useful for checking progress towards ultimately improving both Time To Interactive (TTI) and FID.For more information, take a look at Are long JavaScript tasks delaying your Time to Interactive?.Optimize your page for interaction readiness #There are a number of common causes for poor FID and TBT scores in web apps that rely heavily on JavaScript:First-party script execution can delay interaction readiness #JavaScript size bloat, heavy execution times and inefficient chunking can slow down how soon a page can respond to user input and impact FID, TBT, and TTI. Progressive loading of code and features can help spread this work out and improve interaction readiness.Server-side rendered apps may look like they're getting pixels painted on the screen quickly, but beware of user interactions being blocked by large script executions (e.g. re-hydration to wire up event listeners). This can take several hundred milliseconds, sometimes even seconds, if route-based code splitting is being used. Consider shifting more logic server-side or generating more content statically during build time.Below are the TBT scores before and after optimizing first-party script loading for an application. By moving costly script loading (and execution) for a non-essential component off the critical path, users were able to interact with the page much sooner.
A blocked main thread is one of the main causes of input delay. Web workers make it possible to run JavaScript on a background thread. Moving non-UI operations to a separate worker thread can cut down main thread blocking time and consequently improve FID.Consider using the following libraries to make it easier to use web workers on your site:Comlink: A helper library that abstracts postMessage and makes it easier to useWorkway: A general purpose web worker exporterWorkerize: Move a module into a web workerTo learn more about how web workers can execute code off the main thread, refer to Use Web Workers to run JavaScript off the browser's main thread.Reduce JavaScript execution time #Limiting the amount of JavaScript on your page reduces the amount of time that the browser needs to spend executing JavaScript code. This speeds up how fast the browser can begin to respond to any user interactions.To reduce the amount of JavaScript executed on your page:Defer unused JavaScriptMinimize unused polyfillsDefer unused JavaScript #By default all JavaScript is render-blocking. When the browser encounters a script tag that links to an external JavaScript file, it must pause what it's doing and download, parse, compile, and execute that JavaScript. Therefore you should only load the code that's needed for the page or responding to user input.The Coverage tab in Chrome DevTools can tell you how much JavaScript is not being used on your web page.
One important detail of this counter is that it reports the maximum user input delay within a configurable interval. This is the longest time it takes for an input to reach the application, which can impact the speed of important and visible actions like typing.
For example, in the following table, the user input delay would be reported as 1,000 ms within this interval. The counter reports the slowest user input delay in the interval because the user's perception of "slow" is determined by the slowest input time (the maximum) they experience, not the average speed of all total inputs.
Next, let's look at the User Input Delay per Session. There are instances for each session ID, and their counters show the user input delay of any process within the specified session. In addition, there are two instances called "Max" (the maximum user input delay across all sessions) and "Average" (the average acorss all sessions).
An important thing to remember when using this performance counter is that it reports user input delay on an interval of 1,000 ms by default. If you set the performance counter sample interval property (as shown in the following screenshot) to anything different, the reported value will be incorrect.
I found three commands that helped me reduce the delay of live streams. The first command its very basic and straight forward, the second one it's been combined with other options which might work differently on each environment and the last command it is a hacky version that I found in the documentation It was useful at the beginning but now the first option is more stable.
Consider using the filter option -vf setpts=0. This makes all frames display as soon as possible without adding any delay for the framerate. This will allow the stream to catch up in case it falls behind, which I've found to happen if I move or resize the ffplay window. However, this could make the video look choppy if your video data is being received at an inconsistent rate.
The constants Fsin, Fsout and D in the equations above are the input sample rate, output sample rate, and the resampling output delay respectively. For many multirate filtering applications, it is useful to find Fsout and D for a given input sample rate Fsin.
You can use the outputDelay function to calculate the resampling output delay D and output sample rate FsOut for a given filter object operating at rate FsIn. This function is available for any DSP System object that supports filter analysis methods. For a list of supported objects, refer to the outputDelay. The returned delay value D is specified in the natural units of the interpolated signal (usually seconds), corresponding to the input sample rate.
To eliminate the high frequency noise, design a lowpass filter and apply it to the signal. This lowpass has a cutoff at 15% of the Nyquist frequency with a transition width of 10%. Plot the input against the filtered output on the same graph. Note the delay between the input and the filtered signal.
To align the input with the output, shift the output back in time by D units, of shift the input forward in time by the same amount. You can perform such a shift using the TimeDisplayOffset property of the timescope object. When you specify a vector in TimeDisplayOffset instead of a scalar, each input channel of the timescope object has its own delay, corresponding to the entries of the vector in TimeDisplayOffset. Set the first channel (input) delay to D, and keep the second channel (output) with no delay. The two channels are now synchronized.
You can specify or override the input sample rate by using the named argument FsIn. For example, calculate the output delay assuming that the input sample rate is 2 kHz instead of 10 Hz. Note that the returned delay value changes accordingly to reflect the new time units.
In any case, since the group delay is not constant, you need to specify the frequency from which the group delay is sampled. The outputDelay function accepts this frequency (specified in input sample rate units) through the parameter Fc.
Some filter designs have a nonlinear phase, yet still have a relatively flat group delay on subbands. For example, any FIR designed using the designFracDelayFIR function has a relatively flat group delay. Other examples include the dsp.IIRHalfbandDecimator and the dsp.FIRHalfbandInterpolator filters that are operating in the Quasi-linear phase design mode. The Quasi-linear design mode compensates for the nonlinear phase of the IIR on the passband and considerably reduces the distortion.
For a filter with nonlinear phase stages, changing Fc alters the output delay D. The outputDelay function can calculate the interval of input frequencies B = [f1, f2] around Fc that have a delay value close to D up to a tolerance, or |D(f)-D(Fc)|
The outputDelay function can be used even if the group delay is not flat, given that the input signal is a narrowband signal. The band measurement returned from outputDelay can be used to determine the maximal bandwidth for the signal subject to a delay tolerance.
Filter a modulated signal through the filter, and plot the input against the output with the apropriate delay. As expected, the delayed input appears synchronized with the output under the same envelope (the delayed baseband signal), but have a slight phase shift - the phase delay of the carrier signal.
For band measurement, the cascade must be reducible to a single filter stage using noble identities. For example, the cascade g5 can be reduced to have a single convolution stage. Measure the input band for that filter.
Designed for vocals, the Echo Master is a lo-fi, analog tape-style delay unit that can transform your voice into a chaotic realm of noise and feedback. The effects loop allows additional effects to be placed in the signal chain, making it easy to use with any of your favorite effects pedals on your vocal sound without any adapters. 781b155fdc